[vox] cell phone contracts

Peter Jay Salzman p at dirac.org
Sun Nov 26 09:02:05 PST 2006

On Sun 26 Nov 06,  9:39 AM, Marc Elliot Hall <marc at hallmarc.net> said:
> My wife's phone is the cheap Motorola model that T-Mobile offered at a
> discount when I added her to my existing plan. I have a PalmOne Treo 600, 
> based on PalmOS (which I understand is going to be retired soon *sob*). 
For reals?  Scuttlebutt?  Or official?

That's terrible news.  I love PalmOS.

> The Treo syncs well with my Debian Testing desktop system, too. 
> Finally, based on the abuse I dish out to this device, at three years 
> old it is doing remarkably well. 

Well, that sunk it.  I'm now the proud owner of a Treo 700p.  I had an awful
time getting the data off my Visor Handspring (which served me faithfully
for many, many, many years) and onto the Treo.  It was surprisingly
obtuse.  I wonder why Palm doesn't include some kind of updateer.

Looks like I have a lot to learn.  This thing has a LOT of features.  It's

One question though.

I don't suppose there's an app that allows me to somehow use graffiti?  I
seriously don't think that typing is any faster than graffiti, and if I type
for a long time, my thumbs get fatigued.


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