[vox] Running Debian on a Laptop

Richard Crawford rscrawford at mossroot.com
Sun Mar 19 13:00:23 PST 2006

On Sunday 19 March 2006 11:45, Bob Scofield wrote:
> I've read that the IBM Thinkpad was good for Linux, but some people claim
> that this in part had to do with IBM trying to develop its server business.
>  The concern is that Lenovo might not be as motivated to make the Thinkpad
> Linux compatible.

I've got an older version of Debian running on an old Gateway Solo 2500.  The 
problem with that computer is that the hard drive is miniscule, it's barely 
got any memory, and it's just plain dog slow at times.  I've never managed to 
get it to run X.

However, I also have Kubuntu Breezy running just fine on my HP Pavilion 
zd8000.  I had to mess with the monitor's driver configuration, of course, 
but everything else went just fine.  It was even easy to set up the wireless 
connection on this laptop.  On the whole, I'm quite pleased with how it works 
on this laptop; the only problem I've had is getting the modem to work.

Richard S. Crawford (http://www.mossroot.com)
"That which does not kill me makes me stranger."
    -Llewellyn, from Ozy & Millie
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