[vox] [fwd] Request for user feedback on Novell's SLED and SLES platforms

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Fri Jun 30 13:36:28 PDT 2006

Seen on SVLUG and BALUG:

----- Forwarded message from Dan_Tennant at computerworld.com -----

My name is Dan Tennant; I am in the process of writing a user-feedback 
article for Computerworld (www.computerworld.com) regarding Novell's 
recent pre-release of SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 in both its Desktop and 
Server variations, and am curious as to whether one or two of you might 
already have tested the OS out and would be willing to answer a few of my 
questions on it via e-mail.

I thank you all in advance for your time, and look forward to speaking 
with a couple of you at your earliest conveniences.


Dan Tennant
Office: (508) 620-7754
Email:  dan_tennant at computerworld.com
AIM:    dtennantatcw

----- End forwarded message -----


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