[vox] Biggest uptimes!

Charles McLaughlin cmclaughlin at ucdavis.edu
Sat Feb 18 17:13:51 PST 2006

Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 18, 2006 at 03:31:37PM -0800, trixter aka Bret McDanel wrote:
>>wasnt it a desire for a long uptime that caused debin to not install a
>>patch for a known kernel vulnerability and they got owned because of
> Heh, I don't think I knew that. ;^)
>>uptime is nice, but at the cost of not upgrading kernels and things,
>>which contests like this generally lead to, kinda makes me laugh ...   
> Well, whenever a Debian security update pushes a kernel and tells me I need
> to reboot, I reboot.
> (Now that you mention it, though, I should run aptitude on my webserver ;^) )

Debian released security patches for 2.4 and 2.6 kernels back in 
December, so my uptimes are 66 days.

Here is more info on the patches:


I've found the Debian security mailing list is the best way for me to 
stay on top of their patches.


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