[vox] Call for Help: Katrina Public Web Stations Project

Steve Hargadon steve.hargadon at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 17:18:55 PDT 2005

> So Steve, if your websites start getting slammed, this is a change you
> can make to your pages to alleviate that. I'm not sure if the cache will
> work for a file the size of the ISO, but lots of niche podcasts are
> distributed through coralized URLs.

Well, we're not getting slammed.  Holiday weekend, and I'm not sure
people have really understood the concept.  That's OK, we have time. 
Ours isn't a triage solution, it's the next level down--when the
attention is not as focused.

But somehow we have to help people understand and get mobilized.


Steve Hargadon
916-899-1400 direct

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