[vox] Presentations page updated

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sun May 8 15:01:59 PDT 2005

The LUGOD Presentations page has been reordered to show the most recent
presentation at the top (similar to how the Past Meetings page was changed

Additionally, I've broken the presentation list up into groups by year,
so if you KNOW something was in 2003, you don't have to skim as much.
Just look for the big "2003" on the page. :^)

For easier reading, I also made the talk titles bold, so they stand out
a little more from the date that appears right next to them.

And finally, I did my best to go through the list and try to remember what
the heck the various talks were about, to provide short descriptions.
For a random visitor who finds the page, when they see: "Knoppix" or
"K12LTSP", they might have NO IDEA what a 'knoppix' is or what a 'k12ltsp'
is, or why they'd care. ;^)

Hopefully, my short descriptions helped.  (Additions and suggestions for
changes are welcome!!!)



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Linux Users' Group of Davis

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