[vox] Mounting a Shared Win2k Drive for Students--no write access?

Karsten M. Self kmself at ix.netcom.com
Wed Mar 2 15:12:54 PST 2005

on Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 07:03:38PM -0800, Steve Hargadon (steve.hargadon at gmail.com) wrote:
> > 1) file permissions are set by 'umask' not 'unmask'.  I don't know if that
> > was a typo in your email not.
> > 
> Interestingly enough, I was using 'unmask' instead of 'umask', but
> with 'umask' I have the same result, or lack thereof.
> > 2) you will need to use 'gid=students' in conjunction with 'umask=002'.
> > Only putting gid will give you a read-only mode of 755 for the student
> > group, and only doing unmask=000 would do you nothing (see #1).  If you
> > only did umask=000, that would probably work, however it may not be what
> > you want.
> I tried this, I think correctly, and still my folder 'S-Drive' shows
> drwxr-xr-x.  If I chmod 777 'S-Drive' it doesn't give me any error
> output, but the permissions stay unchanged.

You can't chmod mountpoint permissions where the underlying FS doesn't
support permissions.  man mount and read the umask/fmask uid/gid options
for your filesystem.
> At one point I wondered if this problem might indicate an NTFS
> partition on the server,

The underlying filesystem is (mostly) orthogonal to use of SMB/CIFS.
The networking protocol handles the underlying file permissions.  RTFM
for particulars, as filesystems which have *no* u/g/w symantics present
their own special curves.


Karsten M. Self <kmself at ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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