[vox] New handouts posted

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sun Jul 17 14:59:49 PDT 2005

I've posted a few additional handouts/flyers I had sitting on my hard
drive today, along with the new one I just created that describes what's
on the recently-released TheOpenCD 3.0 [*].

You can grab them from here:


[*] http://www.theopencd.org/ -- 3.0 also acts as a mini-LiveCD of Ubuntu!

-bill!                          Picn*x14 --- Linux Anniversary Picnic & BBQ!
bill at newbreedsoftware.com       Sunnyvale Baylands Park, Sunday, August 14th
http://newbreedsoftware.com/    http://linuxpicnic.org/ to RSVP & volunteer!

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