[vox] [fwd] [SF-LUG] Fwd: Send us free software testimonials

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Fri Jul 15 18:10:29 PDT 2005

Seen on SF-LUG's mailing list...

----- Forwarded message from jim stockford -----

Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 17:09:31 -0700
From: jim stockford
Subject: [SF-LUG] Fwd: Send us free software testimonials

I think they won't mind my forwarding their request  
for free software success stories.  

Check it out.  

> <http://www.fsf.org/resources/testimonials>.  
If you know of something they could use  

> Please send your contributions to <testimonial at fsf.org>. 
the body of john's message gives details.  

Begin forwarded message: 

> From: John Sullivan <johns at fsf.org> 
> Date: July 15, 2005 2:47:20 PM PDT 
> To: info-member at fsf.org 
> Cc: Subject: Send us free software testimonials 
> Reply-To: membership at fsf.org 
> For those working to show others the value of free software, it is 
> immensely helpful to have stories from users and organizations who 
> have successfully converted from proprietary software. It can make 
> the 
> difference in someone's decision to begin using free software over 
> buying into the latest proprietary trap. 
> As we announced in our most recent Bulletin and at the 2005 associate 
> member meeting, the Free Software Foundation is collecting such 
> stories from our community to meet that need. 
> Everyone on this list uses free software in some capacity, so 
> everyone 
> has something to contribute to this section. All you have to do is 
> describe how and why you use free software. 
> This is an urgent project for us. Please send in your story, and do 
> anything you can to help draw attention to it. You'll be seeing more 
> go up on the fsf.org and gnu.org web sites about it as the week 
> progresses. 
> Please send your contributions to <testimonial at fsf.org>. 
> In your e-mail, be sure to let us know what contact information and 
> affiliation you would like to be displayed with your story. We will 
> not include your e-mail address unless you ask us to, but we will 
> include your name and company in the published version, unless you 
> request otherwise. 
> You can see the examples we have already collected at 
> <http://www.fsf.org/resources/testimonials>. You can see that many of 
> them are just a paragraph or two. That's fine; the length is up to 
> you. 
> Please do a short one now, even if you intend to write a more 
> improved 
> version later. We'll be happy to update it for you, but it's very 
> important that we get your contribution up now, for this initial push 
> to get the project going. 
> If you use free software in two very different capacities, for 
> example, at home and at work, you might consider writing two separate 
> testimonials. That way we could separate them, if we end up breaking 
> the category listing down to a separation between testimonials for 
> businesses and organizations to consider, and those for individual 
> users to consider. 
> We look forward to reading and publishing these stories! A few 
> minutes 
> of your time will make a lasting contribution to the effort to 
> increase the number of free software users in the world. 
> --  
> John Sullivan 
> Program Administrator        | Phone: (617)542-5942 x23     
> 51 Franklin Street, 5th Fl.  | Fax:   (617)542-2652	 
> Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA    | GPG:   AE8600B6 
> # Get RMS's voice on your answering machine:  
> # http://member.fsf.org/referral-2004 

----- End forwarded message -----

-bill!                          Picn*x14 --- Linux Anniversary Picnic & BBQ!
bill at newbreedsoftware.com       Sunnyvale Baylands Park, Sunday, August 14th
http://newbreedsoftware.com/    http://linuxpicnic.org/ to RSVP & volunteer!

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