[vox] Rant: the suckiness of http://www.sectoor.de/ and thier "tor blacklisting"

Micah J. Cowan micah at cowan.name
Mon Jul 11 11:28:38 PDT 2005

On Sun, Jul 10, 2005 at 12:59:57PM -0700, ME wrote:
> ME said:
> [chop]
> I have been thinking about this a bit more and have some interesting
> thoughts on how this service can be used against people.
> This service relies upon an rDNS lookup which, for the most part, happens
> over port 53 UDP.
> As we know, UDP is a connectionless protocol.
> Being a connectionless protocol, it is easier to forge UDP packets without
> a true "session" than it is to forge TCP packets with syn and ack numbers.
> DNS Caching attacks have been known to exist for quite a while, and there
> are some methods to try to deal with them.
> Find a target user that uses a service that subscribed to the tor system.
> Understand what DNS their service uses, and attempt to poison their "toor
> blacklisting client" with replies for your target user's IP
> address.

Seen on slashdot today:


"Launching Anonymous Attacks Using the Tor Network"

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