[vox] Rant: the suckiness of http://www.sectoor.de/ and thier "tor blacklisting"

Shwaine shwaine at shwaine.com
Sun Jul 10 16:31:09 PDT 2005

On Sun, 10 Jul 2005, ME wrote:

> What is worse? Running a mail server is enough to get blacklisted, because
> I certainly do not run an irc server.

It seems you're not the only one with this criticism of Sectoor:


This particular blacklist seems popular amongst IRC channels. Although I 
suspect a certain overly paranoid MUD admin I know probably also uses it. 
It does seem to be a poorly designed blacklist, although it is less than a 
year old, so perhaps it just needs to mature a bit more. Here's a "release 
announcement", although I use the term loosely because it's not a very 
formal announcement, from January of this year:


I have to wonder how much of their misunderstanding that you run a 
legitimate mail server using a mixed host (client/server) comes from 
language issues. I note their English explanation on the tor page is a bit 
rusty. But this may also be an issue of people who are willing to slap a 
cludgy bandaid on something rather than come up with a concrete, well 
thought out solution using the attitude of "well, it's only a small baby 
we're throwing out with the bath water".

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