[vox] Rant: the suckiness of http://www.sectoor.de/ and thier "tor blacklisting"

ME dugan at passwall.com
Sun Jul 10 00:55:57 PDT 2005


Here is a message to people who are running a mail server and may use the
same machine that is running the mail server to access other things on the

It appears, the not-so-wise people at http://www.sectoor.de/ assume that
if you have an open service port 25, 194, 994, 6657, 6660-6670, 6697,
7000-7005, 7070, 8000-8004, 9000,9001, 9998, 9999 and they think you may
have a tor server (http://www.freehaven.net/tor/) that your machine's IP
gets added to a "tor exit server blacklist.")

Yes. That is right. Automagically, because you are running a service on
one of these ports from a machine that also accesses the internet as a
client for other things.

Why do I complain? Because One of my boxes was blacklisted. As a result, I
know I won't be using their service. If they can include me as a false
positive, then they can include others.

Now you can gain experience from my unhappiness. If you notice that
certain service no longer allows you to connect, they may be relying upon
a blacklist from these folks to deny you access.

Run a mail server? Get blacklisted!

Ok. I feel better.

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