[vox] [OT] Free iMac, with Debian. Who wants it!?

Don Werve donw at agentsix.net
Mon Dec 19 14:44:17 PST 2005

Bill Kendrick wrote:
> I honestly forget if it was a DVD drive or just CD... or CD writer.
> I also don't recall how much RAM it has, or how fast it is.  I _kinda_
> doubt such an old beast could run 10.4.2 easily.  But then, I know nearly
> nil about Mac OS X.  (All I know is it was running 10.3.7... and that
> the latest Tux Paint CANNOT run on 10.2.8, which was a mistake!  D'oh!)

OS X, according to many, gets faster on the same hardware over time, as
opposed to slower.  I know that 10.4.2 is pretty snappy on my G4
Powerbook, and it absolutely flies on a G5.  I'm looking forward towarsd
the Intel chips, honestly.

Speaking of which, I am now a Mac convert, as of two months ago --
replaced my home Linux workstation with a PB G4, and now have a nearly
idle AthlonXP box running Debian Stable. *grin*

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