[vox] Linux microcontrollers.

Adam YErgovich ayergovich at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 15 14:20:03 PST 2005

--- Bill Kendrick <nbs at sonic.net> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 12:35:14PM -0800, Adam
> YErgovich wrote:
> > I have just finished a project where i have made a
> > single board computer just under 4" by 4" that
> runs
> > linux, and can easily be set up for wireless, has
> > audio in/out, and many other goodies.  
> Wow, sounds very cool!  Out of curiosity, would you
> be willing to come
> to one of our meetings as a presenter?  (We're
> pretty much lacking speakers
> after my talk this coming Monday...  sorry, I've
> been slacking! :^/ 

I'm not sure how great of a presenter i'd be. i notice
that you have a lot of powerpoint presentations, which
i've never been much good with.  Heck, i don't even
have powerpoint or the openoffice equivalent.

That aside, i can ramble on quite a bit about the
board.  I'm happy to talk, field questions, or
whatever, but i like to keep things low key. If that
means being a "presenter", ermm... okay.

> > If anyone is interested in taking a look at them,
> i
> > hope to bring them by the meeting on monday.  With
> > some luck, i hope also to give one out as a
> freebie
> > for interested folks.  Ideally i'd like it to go
> to
> > the most interested folks, but i defer to the
> officers
> > on the best way to handle that.
> We typically do raffle tickets for this.  (Whoever
> has the LUGOD box:
> do we still have raffle tickets?)
> Do you mind if I put some info up on our site (and
> in our next reminder
> announcement) to let people know there'll be this
> goodie being given away? :)
> (And if you don't mind, please email me privately
> with whatever details you
> think are suitable.)

Whatever you want to do for the handouts.  I'll still
have to clear things with the bossman, but i think it
should all be cool.  As for details, i'm happy to give
whatever details you want, nothing too secret about it
at this point.  You looking for specs on the board or
something else?


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