[vox] Linux microcontrollers.

Adam YErgovich ayergovich at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 15 12:35:14 PST 2005

Hello all,

I've been lurking on the mailing list for a while, and
have met a few of you at least (though you may well
not remember me).  I am a fairly recent graduate of UC
Davis who now works here in Davis designing

I have just finished a project where i have made a
single board computer just under 4" by 4" that runs
linux, and can easily be set up for wireless, has
audio in/out, and many other goodies.  

If anyone is interested in taking a look at them, i
hope to bring them by the meeting on monday.  With
some luck, i hope also to give one out as a freebie
for interested folks.  Ideally i'd like it to go to
the most interested folks, but i defer to the officers
on the best way to handle that.

-Adam Yergovich

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