[vox] [OT] Length of time to infect a Windows computer?

Carl McCabe cmccabe77 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 09:32:52 PDT 2004

One option is that M$ will ship you a cd with SP2 for (believe it or not) free.


I don't know much about ResNet, but it would be a nice service if they
would get a bunch of these cds and have them available so that users
to update their computers.  Another believe-it-or-not: the M$ order
website explicitly says "After you have installed Service Pack 2,
Microsoft encourages you to give this CD to a friend or family member
using Windows XP".

Of course it would be even cooler if ResNet would get a bunch of
Linux/*BSD cds and help everybody install those, but that's another


Registered Linux user #191081 on http://counter.li.org/

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