[vox] [fwd] [svlug] mission critical computing and air safety

Rob Rogers rob at wizardstower.net
Wed Sep 22 13:30:15 PDT 2004

On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 01:00:09PM -0700, Ken Bloom wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 12:48:34PM -0700, Mark K. Kim wrote:
> > Unfortunately, you can't stop & restart processes like daemons on
> > Windows as easily as you can on Linux or UNIX.  If the daemons have
> > problems, you're stuck and have very little choice but to restart
> > the whole system.
> Well, assuming you still have the RAM to work with the GUI, you can go
> to the services management panel and restart the service there. If
> you're administering by anything that uses a command line (assuming
> such a thing is possible), then use the net command, specifically "net
> stop ServiceName" "net start ServiceName".
> Am I missing some practical limitation to this?

Other than the unreliability of Windows and some services... I've seen
some, particularly if there were multiple services that were
interdependant that refused to restart manually, no matter what hoops I
jumped through. In this particular instance there were 3 services that
had to be started in a particular order, and even when restarting them
in that order via the servis management panel, the often wouldn't start.
Rebooting the computer was always an easier and faster fix.

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