[vox] Article: Ma Bell looks at Linux for 70,000 desktops

Rod Roark rod at sunsetsystems.com
Thu Oct 7 10:30:35 PDT 2004

On Thursday 07 October 2004 10:03 am, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
> I was also bothered because it seemed to me that AT&T is basically 
> bluffing.  They just wanted windows to be cheaper, and they think 
> bluffing about using Linux will drop the price.  Then they are going to 
> us Windows anyway.

AT&T is too big for that to be the overt intent.  Someone
would spill the beans.

The important thing is that more attention is being paid to
Linux and FOSS.  And while the CIO may have started this
without expecting Linux to be a real contender, he just
might learn enough in the process to surprise himself.

-- Rod

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