[vox] Article: Ma Bell looks at Linux for 70,000 desktops

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu Oct 7 10:19:26 PDT 2004

On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 09:55:18AM -0700, Robert G. Scofield wrote:
> I just got around to reading the Bloomberg article.  It bothers me 
> though that the interest in Linux is in large part spurred by the 
> activities of hackers and those who spread viruses.  Linux should be 
> able to beat out Windows in a world with no viruses.

Well, I think it's just hard to beat inertia.  Kind of like:
"Meh, Windows does what we need. No reason to change" (which is, as _we_
all know, kind of a bad, short-sighted excuse... but then, it's their money)

In this case, though, it sounds like: "Alright, Windows does what we want,
but it does a whole LOT of ***t that we DON'T want!!! (viruses/etc.)"
At that point, the tipping-point has been reached, I'm guessing.
Time to spend a little cash switching to 'that other OS' ;)


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