[vox] [OT] Budget Surplus - How Do I Spend It?

Marc Elliot Hall vox@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 14 May 2004 16:56:14 -0700

On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 02:40:17PM -0700, joseph estevao arruda wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-05-14 at 08:42, Marc Elliot Hall wrote:
> > So, My boss's boss called me into a meeting yesterday to announce that
> > our organization has found $200k remaining in the fiscal year budget. 
> > That means it must be spent before June 30, or we lose it. The funds
> > must be spent on training, software, or consulting - No hardware or
> > other capital equipment.
> Well, for starters (if you are using M/UMPS) you could contact Dick
> Walters at the UCD Comp Sci dept and hire him to do consultancy/training
> for M.  I know it is one of the most common languages used with many
> hospitals and there is a Linux toolchain for it now
> http://www.cs.uni.edu/~okane/source/compiler.html
> http://www.mumps.org

We aren't using M/UMPS, although we do use HL7 protocols for some of our
tools. How's Dr. Walters with that? 

> Otherwise, as far as training goes, does capital equipment include
> books?  If it doesn't it certainly would ot hurt to get a small
> O'Reilly/New Riders/No Starch reference library out of those funds.

I'm working on an answer to this one. My already extensive library could
use a few additions ;^)

> Moving down the line, there are a lot of vendors offering various
> training options:
> Sun Services (which I used to work for back in the late 90s) -
> www.sun.com  Other vendors like HP, Oracle, and IBM offer training as
> well, and I am sure in areas of interest.

IBM is on our short list, although training in areas applicable to our
organization doesn't start until July :^(
> There is the Linux Professional Institute - www.lpi.org
> there is some general info here - http://lintraining.com/m/d/
> Delivery may be impossible under your time constraints for this, but
> look at the UC Extension course catalogs or Stanfords open courses.

I hadn't considered Stanford, although I've got Mozilla tabs at
extension.ucd.edu and csus.edu right now. Thanks for the tip!

Marc Elliot Hall		
P.O. Box 435
Shingle Springs, CA 95682