[vox] [OT] Budget Surplus - How Do I Spend It?
Fri, 14 May 2004 15:33:04 -0700 (PDT)
On Fri, 14 May 2004, Marc Elliot Hall wrote:
> So, My boss's boss called me into a meeting yesterday to announce that
> our organization has found $200k remaining in the fiscal year budget.
> That means it must be spent before June 30, or we lose it. The funds
> must be spent on training, software, or consulting - No hardware or
> other capital equipment.
Too bad SansFire isn't until July. You could burn through a good deal of
that budget on the various seminars and workshops it has. They do still
have some training sessions before the end of June, http://www.sans.org.
The Denver one in June looks to have the most diverse offerings. I mean if
you're going to be stuck with Windows machines, you could argue that
courses that cover such things as how to secure them is pretty essential
in the current Internet situation.