[vox] Bill Kendrick is on the front page of Slashdot!

Jonathan McPherson vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 5 May 2004 18:27:43 -0700


Did I miss a thread about this?  Seems like I wouldn't have been the
first person to notice...

Anyhow, assuming I didn't miss anything, I would like to be the first to
congratulate our own bill! (Bill Kendrick) on getting a story posted to
the front page of Slashdot!

It's on the front page now a few stories down, but here's a direct link:


Congrats, Bill!  We're proud. (-:

Jonathan McPherson
CIPIC / Graphics and Visualization Group, UC Davis
email:    jamcp (at) imap (period) cc
homepage: http://jmcpherson.org/
gpg key:  http://jmcpherson.org/jam_pubkey.asc
finger:   B084 878B BFE6 CC09 AD6E  5B1F 64DF 4980 49E2 0142