[vox] ISO: Good programming language to teach an 8yr old

Bill Kendrick vox@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 22 Mar 2004 14:17:39 -0800

On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 02:05:38PM -0800, Nicole TWN wrote:
> I don't know if I count as a modern child (I'm 26), but MY formative 
> programming experience was with the Logo turtle, and I liked it.

I guess by the time I was shown logo on the ol' Apple ]['s in elementary
school, I had already learned a bit of BASIC.

Heck, I programmed my own turtle graphics programs a few times in BASIC
after seeing it. ;^)  (Then, years laster, I made "Web Turtle", which is
a web-based turtle graphics thingy:  http://www.sonic.net/~nbs/webturtle/ )

Eventually, I learned Logo was much more than just the turtle.  But didn't
have much reason to look into it, since I had cooler languages to play
with (Action!, Pascal and C; and then the random stuff we did in some CS
classes, like Scheme and Smalltalk)

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