[vox] ISO: Good programming language to teach an 8yr old

Drew Perttula vox@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 14:34:39 -0800

> One day, I swear, I will write a multimedia-focused interactive-mode
> BASIC-like language for kids.  I pine for old Atari BASIC. :^)
> 20 COLOR 1
> 30 PLOT 0,0
> 40 DRAWTO 159,79
> Voila... a line.  How hard was that? :^)  (Line-numbers unnecessary, if
> you want to watch each step, in this case ;^) )

I hardly see the need for a -new language-. There is a need, certainly,
for fewer languages designed by non-language-experts. 

Meanwhile, here's what your program might look like using pygame
(assuming color 1 is yellow):

import pygame; from pygame.draw import draw
scr = pygame.display.set_mode((250,250))
draw.line(scr, (255,255,0), (0,0), (159,79))

With a few things setup in advance, that could easily look like:
from easydraw import *
draw.line('yellow', (0,0), (159,79))

Also, without even installing pygame, you can probably already do this
at a shell:
% python
>>> from turtle import *
>>> forward(100)
>>> right(90)