[vox] Macromedia to release Flash MX for Linux

Bill Kendrick vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 17 Mar 2004 05:47:54 -0800

I mentioned this yesterday, but didn't have any reference.
Linuxartist.org's newsticker (RSS) feed still has it, so I just saw it
fly by on my desktop:

  Macromedia to release Flash MX for Linux 

    (From the German IT news site heise.de): Macromedia is about to
    optimize Flash MX to run under Linux, using WINE. The next step will
    be porting the application to Linux to run natively, said Chief
    Software Architect Kevin Lynch at Flash Forward 2004.

heise.de URL:  http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/45275
FF2004 URL:    http://www.flashforward2004.com/

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