[vox] [fwd] [svlug] Event: Book donation party for LUG of Iraq

Bill Kendrick vox@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 11 Mar 2004 20:32:07 -0800

Ooh!  Pizza?  Movie?  Get rid of some books, for a good cause
(e.g., LUG in Iraq, who really needs books, apparently! :^) )

This will be two weeks from tomorrow (Friday, March 26th) in Mountain View.
Who wants to go!?


----- Forwarded message from Rich Bodo <rsb@ostel.com> -----

Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 16:19:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Rich Bodo <rsb@ostel.com>
Subject: [svlug] Event: Book donation party for LUG of Iraq
To: Silicon Valley Linux Users Group <svlug@lists.svlug.org>

A quick summary:

We will be throwing a party in Mountain View, CA on the 26th of this
month.  All of you are invited.  Bring a book that you think might
help someone in Iraq to use FOSS to build technology infrastructure.
Pizza and drinks arrive at 7PM.  Midnight movie.  Hope to see you


The press release:

BookCrossing.com, Freedom Technology Center to Host "Books for Iraq"
Mountain View, California

BookCrossing.com and the Freedom Technology Center are teaming up to
help jump-start Iraq's recovery with computer software and hardware
book donations.  Linux and open-source software enthusiasts will meet
at Mountain View's Freedom Technology Center all day Friday, March 26
to pack and ship badly-needed computer books to the new Linux Users
Group (LUG) of Iraq. The event is sponsored by BookCrossing.com, a
leading Internet community for book readers and book releasers.

"We need all kinds of computer books," said Ashraf T. Hasson,
co-founder of the new Linux Users Group of Iraq.  The group is
establishing a Linux Center in Baghdad to conduct training in all
levels of Linux usage, administration and development. Today in
Baghdad, up-to-date PC hardware and all software are readily
available, but computer books are not.  Iraq's growing population of
Linux users need all kinds of computer books, not just Linux-specific

The Freedom Technology Center and BookCrossing.com will handle the
packing and shipping, and invite supporters to simply bring a favorite
technical book. Donors can pre-register their book at
BookCrossing.com's website, and track the book's journey as it travels
among the emerging high-tech circles in Iraq.

Books will be accepted from 9am to midnight. From 7pm to midnight, the
Freedom Technology Center will serve pizza and provide demonstrations of
its new Linux-based information technology training lab.
About the Freedom Technology Center

The Freedom Technology Center is a new non-profit IT training facility
located in downtown Mountain View, California. Upcoming classes include
an enterprise Samba class to be taught by Samba developer John H.
Terpstra and a series of Linux administration classes to be taught by
noted author and consultant Jim Dennis.

About BookCrossing.com

BookCrossing is the act of releasing books "into the wild" and then
following their journeys and the lives they touch. BookCrossing.com is
the website that makes it all possible. The site has more than 200,000
registered users and tracks more than 880,000 books. Join Today!

For updates and directions, please see

For more information: Don Marti, Freedom Technology Center:
dmarti@zgp.org or 510-814-0932.

Rich Bodo | rsb@ostel.com | 650-964-4678

svlug mailing list

----- End forwarded message -----

bill@newbreedsoftware.com           "Hey Shatner, ya remember that episode of
http://newbreedsoftware.com/bill/   Space Trek where your show got cancelled?"