[vox] [adv fwd] new Linux Portal and the free Linux E-Magazine

Bill Kendrick vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 10 Mar 2004 07:46:16 -0800

I checked this out briefly.  It looks kind of like they use
a presentation program (like MSPowerPoint or OOImpress) ;^)

Anyway, I figured I'd pass it on, in case anyone here cares.
Frankly, I barely have much time to read my paper magazines, let alone
online articles that are longer than a paragraph ;^)

(who's had the latest issue of Linux Journal, half-read, in his laptop
case for the past week!  SHAMEFUL!)

----- Forwarded message from Arnoud <arnoud@linuxhotbox.com> -----

Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 11:03:50 +0100
From: "Arnoud" <arnoud@linuxhotbox.com>
Subject: new Linux Portal and the free Linux E-Magazine 
To: <root@lugod.org>


Dear Linux user group,



We will like to take this opportunity to ask your attention on the new
Linux Portal and the free Linux E-Magazine called Linuxhotbox E-Magazine
which is intended to be a free monthly publication. The magazine will
focus on issues interesting to Linux users and professionals, with Linux
news and articles and information regarding to Linux software and


We have a sample of this magazine on our website at
http://www.linuxhotbox.com/magazine/march-04.htm  for you to take a look


Our goal and motto is "To bring more people to Linux"


We hope you want to support our initiative by placing a link on your web
and tell your user group members they can get this free magazine.


In addition, if you have an interesting article that you will like us to
publish we will be happy to include it with the necessary credit to your
website. We hope to offer everyone free subscription at our website at
www.Linuxhotbox.com <http://www.linuxhotbox.com/> ,  We will be going
life with the magazine by the first of March so any constructive
criticism or kudos will be highly welcome.


We hope that you will like to contribute to our effort as we look
forward to hearing from you.


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me as I'll be
happy to answer them.


Best regards



Arnoud Wierstra

 <mailto:arnoud@linuxhotbox.com> arnoud@linuxhotbox.com




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36 Forest Avenue, Archard Rise


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----- End forwarded message -----

bill@newbreedsoftware.com           "Hey Shatner, ya remember that episode of
http://newbreedsoftware.com/bill/   Space Trek where your show got cancelled?"