[vox] [OT] new MUSIC business looking for talent
Scott Hildebrand
Mon, 8 Mar 2004 01:48:15 -0800 (PST)
Hello my name's Scott Hildebrand and I'm an exiting
UCD student. I've been here a few years studying music
and computer science and it's time for me to graduate!
Anyway I've been doing some cool stuff including
spatial audio research for CIPIC (cipic.ucdavis.edu)
which will probably end up with me doing some
pioneering 3D audio work for the video game industry.
I'm also currently teaching a workshop for music
department faculty using the software packages Max/MSP
and Pd. They're digital signal processing software
packages that combine synthesis, MIDI, video, openGL
computer graphics, etc. Maybe sometime if people are
interested I could do a presentation for the LUGOD
Anyway the reason I'm emailing is that I've started a
new company based right out of Davis. This is a
digital music distribution model not unlike iTunes or
BuyMusic, but there are distinct differences which
will make this successful beyond anyone's belief.
We've been having meetings for months and I personally
have been working on the business model for 8 months
or so. This really has a big chance of making huge
waves. Please contact me if there's any interest on
your part whether it's in helping a business off the
ground and making money, or being part of a
Scott Hildebrand
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