[vox] LUGOD (and other LUGs) at LinuxWorld this year?
Mon, 07 Jun 2004 09:52:48 -0700
Didja talk to them? :)
Bill Kendrick wrote:
>So I hear LUGOD wants to have a booth at LinuxWorld again this year.
>I personally think it'd be good, and beneficial, to involve the other
>LUGs (at least the big ones!) in the area, like SVLUG, so that people
>who visit the booth have the widest possibility of finding something
>close by.
>I can contact LWE to see if there's still room available in the
>.ORG Pavillion, and will talk to SVLUG and/or sbay (and possibly
>other groups) to gauge interest in joining us...
>vox mailing list