[vox] mysql missing library?
Sun, 11 Jan 2004 23:15:05 -0800
Does your /etc/php4/apache/php.ini contain something like:
on 04.1.11 7:31 PM, Lorie Obal at lobal@cds1.net was reported to have
> I'm running RedHat 9 with MySQl server 4.0.17-0 & client,php 4.2-17.2.
> Apache and PHP seem to be OK and I'm able to run MySQl locally OK. I can't
> connect to localhost using standard connect scripts via PHP and what I've
> read implies I need an older mysql library.
> Wouldn't that have been included in the latest version?
> Any configuration advice?
> -Lorie
> Lorie Obal
> lobal@cds1.net
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