[vox] PageStream for Linux

Bill Kendrick vox@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 6 Jan 2004 13:35:59 -0800

The folks who make PageStream (a desktop publishing app for the Amiga,
and now Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows, as well), wrote me to point out:

  Well, just so you know, we are pretty well there (actually, I think we are)
  and we even have a demo that I just uploaded. If you get a chance, please
  take a look at it. You can find it in the downloads and demos section of
  our website at http://www.grasshopperll.com.

I don't have GTK+2 or GNOME2, and don't have time to try to find it all and
install it on my Woody system, but I thought I'd pass this note along.

