[vox] free 17-inch Mac monitor! (non-VGA)

Dylan Beaudette dylan at iici.no-ip.org
Mon Aug 9 16:48:40 PDT 2004

Henry House wrote:

>I have a 17-inch monitor that needs to go. It has an old-style Mac video
>plug (not a 15-pin VGA plug). I cannot test it so I do not know if it works
>(I have no reason to believe that it does not, however.) I believe that one
>can get an adapter to use it with a VGA video card.
>If you are interested please call 753-3361 extension 13 or mail me off-list.
>If no one takes it, it is going to the landfill around the end of the week.
Just curious, but why not take it to a recycling place?


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