[vox] Anyone willing to sell a used notebook?

Marteen marteen at lugmen.org.ar
Wed Aug 4 23:31:47 PDT 2004

Hi there,

As some of you may have read in vox-if(*), I'm a member of LUGMen, a lug
from Mendoza, Argentina, and will be going to Davis in a couple of days.

Apart from visiting your area (and attending lugod meetings ;-), I am
interested in getting myself a Linux-capable notebook computer.

If you know of anyone willing to sell one, I'd be thankful to know about.

I guess it might be a nice opportunity for a potential upgrader to get a
newer one.

Thanks in advance,

: M a r t e e N                                   Debian GNU/Linux
: GPG PK              www.lugmen.org.ar/~marteen/.perfil/clave.txt
: GPG FP        CA49 DEE9 7F5B A373 5121  2F82 1047 1BB9 83EC D3C9
: JID / e-mail                    marteen[at]lugmen[dot]org[dot]ar

(*) http://lists.lugod.org/pipermail/vox-if/2004-July/000298.html

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