[vox] Something like GNUWinII, but for Macs?
Bill Kendrick
Fri, 23 Apr 2004 17:57:43 -0700
On Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 11:24:15AM -0700, Dave Margolis wrote:
> Good question. Another alternative would be to include XDarwin:
> http://www.xdarwin.org/, which is a totally free X implementation for
> the Mac, and can be made (with a little more work) to play nice with
> OOo, Gimp, all the fink apps, etc.
I haven't read all up and down what CheapBytes offers, but I somehow
doubt they have something like this already. (e.g., XDarwin + OOo + Gimp
+ Mozilla)
...Which we'd have to put together ourselves...
> Not a bad idea, but it would need to be tested, and I don't know if
> you'll have that ready by WEF.
Exactly. I certainly don't have time. :^( (Nor an OSX box to test on!)
Maybe we can just skip it for now. There's always next year's WEF.
And this would definitely be a popular disc at our demos at the Food Co-Op!
> That's a really good idea. Like I mentioned, it might be nice to let
> the average Mac user (who already knows he/she is anti-MS) that they are
> also part of the good fight for open source/open standards/free
> software/etc. This page has some good propaganda:
> http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/unix/ (there is an X11 link there
> too if you want more info on that).
Cool :)