[vox] LTSP and Schools

Karsten M. Self vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 21 Apr 2004 00:24:04 -0700

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on Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 03:03:45PM -0700, Steve Hargadon (steve@hargadon.co=
m) wrote:
> I refurbish used Dell computers for schools and school districts as a
> business (www.PCs4Schools.com).
> I just received a demo K12-LTSP system (pre-configured server, one old
> pc, network cards, etc.) from a company that is actively marketing the
> LTSP solution to schools--or wants to be.  I set it up and was really
> impressed, but there is much that I don't know.  I am putting a couple
> of old computers on the network and am going to let my kids play with
> them to see what they like and what they don't.=20
> Is anyone on this list actively working on this?  Since I sell used
> PC's (our specialty is the Dell Optiplex), I'm considering buying a
> large quantity of low-end, identical Optiplexes to keep in stock that
> could be quickly set up for this kind of a situation and sold for $50
> each or so.  I'm trying to find someone who would know if there is a
> market for this.  Or maybe an opportunity to test this on a larger
> scale?
> Thanks for any time,

I've been working with some local districts.  Pass my name along to your
LTSP firm.

I see the line as more likely to be consulting, configuration, and
teaching, rather than HW sales.  The funding situation for schools is
*really* dire right now, particularly Vallejo, Fairfield, Contra Costa,
and such (not sure about Vacaville).  Microsoft are meeting this with
(rumor) free software giveaways, excepting servers.  Maintenance is
still a PITA, and could be the basis for a pitch.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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