[vox] Reducing spams for us...

Mark K. Kim vox@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 25 Sep 2003 16:51:24 -0700 (PDT)

hey guys...

it would really help us to reduce spams if we didn't post people's e-mail
addresses in our messages.  E-mail addresses in messages like:

   On blah date, <someone@someplace.dom> wrote:


   I reported blah problem to someone@someplace.dom

gets picked up by spambots from our list archive and gets circulated in
spam lists.  It would really help if we instead posted:

   On blah date, Firstname Lastname wrote:


   I reported blah problem to someone at someplace.dom

The former example requires configuring the mail reader properly.  It
should give you some options on how to do that.  If it can't, then it's a
problem that should be addressed to the developers.  The latter is gonna
require some effort but I hope most of you will at least try to do your

I'm okay with the spam levels right now but I know many of you have
spam problems and it would be beneficial to everyone if we followed
these simple guidelines.  Thanks.


Mark K. Kim
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