[vox] whichcd (and RedHat going _way_ commercial)

John McDonnell vox@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 24 Oct 2003 11:02:31 -0700 (PDT)

On the 24th day of October, Jonathan Stickel said to me:

> I am comfortable on my own and certainly will be able to find an 
> alternative.  Perhaps Fedora will turn out to be completely viable. 

Excellent.. that's what we like to hear :)

> I am concerned about losing the extremely convenient RHNetwork update
> system, and maybe this will be wrapped into Fedora as well (but called
> something else?).

Have a look at apt-rpm - http://apt.freshrpms.net - it r0XX0rz.  I use it 
on a remote Red hat 7.3 system and it works similar to up2date. I also use 
it locally on a Red Hat 9 system with the Synaptic GUI package - 

> We'll see.  I was just spouting some initial reactions.

Oh, I was merely reacting to the widespread criticism of Red Hat's 
business model and not necelery ripping into you.

 . johnmc@ | bucketchild.net - +1-707-237-5271 (home) .
 . http:// | johnmc.org      - +1-408-386-3549 (cell) .