[vox] silicon valley computer stores SUMMARY
Sat, 18 Oct 2003 09:46:29 -0700
Here's the list of South Bay computer shops (so far).
Thanks for the suggestions!
The last two stores have great catalogs, but don't seem to have a
walk-in retail outlet.
They may do will-call.
Weird Stuff (Sunnyvale) http://www.weirdstuff.com/
Action Computers (Sunnyvale) http://www.actionsurplus.com/
Surplus Computers (Santa Clara) http://www.surpluscomputers.com/
Fry's (Sunnyvale) http://www.frys.com/
HSC (Santa Clara) http://www.halted.com/
Pixel USA (San Jose) http://www.pixelusa.com/
Atacom (Fremont) http://www.atacom.com/
Ajump (Fremont) http://www.ajump.com/