RedHat business (was: Re: [vox] OT: Contemplating the unthinkable...)
Thu, 13 Nov 2003 13:25:16 -0800
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 01:19:21PM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> a lot of kernel and GNU development is largely funded by redhat.
If they drop the ball, I think IBM could find enough spare change in the
breakroom sofa to pay for kernel development for the next two millenia.
> i sure hope they know what they're doing!
I think they do -- Matthew J. Szulik, the CEO of Red Hat, has been
dumping stock like mad over the past few months. Not a good reason for
me, as an investor, to stick around. The guys who founded RedHat aren't
really calling the shots anymore, and it's pretty clear to me that the
executive board now has very little interest in either long term
profitability or community involvement.
Don Werve <> (Unix System Administrator)
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