RedHat business (was: Re: [vox] OT: Contemplating the unthinkable...)

Peter Jay Salzman
Thu, 13 Nov 2003 13:19:21 -0800

On Thu 13 Nov 03,  1:16 PM, Jonathan Stickel <> said:
> Robert G. Scofield wrote:
> >Please forgive my ignorance, but I'm not up on this stuff.  Does this mean 
> >that someone who wants to run Linux on a desktop can no longer buy the Red 
> >Hat distro?  If so, that's pretty amazing since a lot of us started out on 
> >the Red Hat desktop.
> Only if you want to put their server package on your desktop for $179. 
> More information here:
> Jonathan

a lot of kernel and GNU development is largely funded by redhat.

i sure hope they know what they're doing!


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