[vox] tivo... dead... =( help!

Mark K. Kim vox@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 12 Nov 2003 16:43:18 -0800 (PST)


I tried combining the original partition images with the old /var image
and everything now works.  It could be just a fluke that it started up...
but I'm not gonna find out 'cuz I'm keeping it on!!!

Still... I'm concerned the inaccessible blocks grew in size from 5 to 8...
I'm gonna try to get a new HD as soon as I get a chance and back up all I
can onto it.

Thanks y'all!  Thanks Lynn!


On Wed, 12 Nov 2003, Mark K. Kim wrote:

> I have an 80 hour series 2 Tivo.  It ain't booting up anymore after I
> power-cycled it to replace the power strip it was on.  Now it goes nowhere
> after "welcome.  powering up..."
> I had some backup images of *some* of the partitions of the hard drive
> from earlier this year so I tried restoring as much as I can (after
> backing up the existing partitions, of course).  I had backed up all the
> partitions except for the 4 MFS partitions because they were huge.  Also,
> there were corrupted blocks in my /var partition so I couldn't read about
> 5 consecutive blocks (5 blocks * 512 bytes/block) of that partition...
> except now the # of problematic blocks seems to have increased to 8
> consecutive blocks.
> So I restored all the partitions I could (all non-MFS partitions, less the
> 8 inaccessible blocks).  Now the Tivo goes to "welcome.  powering up..."
> -> "almost there" -> power cycle.  This repeated at least 5 times before I
> turned it off.
> Does anyone have an idea as to how I can fix this?  Does anyone have an 80
> hour series 2 Tivo I can mirror-image off of?  I know it's a big hassle so
> I'll pay you.  Thanks!
> -Mark
> --
> Mark K. Kim
> AIM: markus kimius
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Mark K. Kim
AIM: markus kimius
Homepage: http://www.cbreak.org/
Xanga: http://www.xanga.com/vindaci
Friendster: http://www.friendster.com/user.jsp?id=13046
PGP key fingerprint: 7324 BACA 53AD E504 A76E  5167 6822 94F0 F298 5DCE
PGP key available on the homepage