[vox] tivo... dead... =( help!
Lynn S. Wood
Wed, 12 Nov 2003 16:23:42 -0800
> I have an 80 hour series 2 Tivo. It ain't booting up anymore after I
> power-cycled it to replace the power strip it was on. Now it goes nowhere
> after "welcome. powering up..."
I'm assuming you waited until your warranty expired before opening it
up, so you can't just return it for repair, right? :v)
Off the top of my head, I'm not sure how to help, other than point you
to the various TiVo help forums (www.tivcommunity.com comes to mind).
There are various questions to ask (software version? one hard drive
or two? etc.), but looking for comments on the help forum is my
best advice...
You could try putting the image onto a new hard drive and seeing if
it starts that way - check out MFS Tools to find detailed instructions
on how to do that.
I'd take up your offer for mirror-imaging it, but mine's a 40-hour
Series 2 (the AT&T version)...