[vox] SCO suing IBM over their Linux activity

vox@lists.lugod.org vox@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 30 May 2003 15:53:35 -0700 (PDT)

No, it couldnt.  There were Pet stores online before pets.com, just not 
doing things on its scale.  That doesnt make it innovative, just a bigger 
gamble (for the VCs stupid enough to drop the 7-8 figure sums of cash into 
it).  Innovation (at least in my universe) is more than just the trivial 
novelty of 'the new'.


On Fri, 30 May 2003, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> On Fri 30 May 03,  2:17 PM, zeruch@damagestudios.com <zeruch@damagestudios.com> said:
> > On Fri, 30 May 2003, Richard Crawford wrote:
> > > 
> > > Funny.  In the 90's, when everything everywhere was booming, the way to
> > > make money was to innovate.  
> > 
> > No, if was to obfuscate via marketing, unless you consider Pets.com 
> > innovative.
> sure, it absolutely could be.
> putting up a commercial pet site right now wouldn't be innovative, but
> the first few people to do it were certainly innovative.
>    From WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]:
>    innovate
>        v : bring something new to an environment.
> > > Now, in the early 2000's, the way to make
> > > money is to stifle innovation.  Damn shame.
> > 
> > the US is a pretty damn litigious nation.  ANd when you are as desperate 
> > as SCO, you will reort to dumb things....although this stunt goes from 
> > dumb straight to fscktarded.
> maybe, maybe not.
> if IBM buys SCO out to "shut them up", the stockholders might be very
> grateful...
> pete