[vox] Open Office questions

Ken Herron vox@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 29 May 2003 16:04:33 -0700

--On Thursday, May 29, 2003 14:58:53 -0700 Norm Matloff 
<matloff@laura.cs.ucdavis.edu> wrote:

> 1.  How does one format imported ASCII text into paragraphs, with nice
> justified margins at the right?

I always have to do it the hard way:

1) Turn on display of nonprinting characters using the paragraph symbol 
along the left side of the window.

2) Delete the extraneous paragraph breaks.

3) Assign an appropriate paragraph type to the resulting paragraphs.

> 2.  How does one do a global change of font size?

If you just want to make everything the same font/size and don't care 
about style sheets, then you'd do edit->select all to select the entire 
document, then select the desired font size.

If you'll be maintaining the document, it's better to do it through the 
style sheet system:

1) Open the stylist. Press F11, or select Format->Stylist.

2) The stylist window should open; if you just get a title bar, click on 
the bar's roll up icon.

2) Across the top of the stylist window is a series of icons/buttons. 
Click on the paragraph button to select paragraph styles.

3) At the bottom of the stylist window is a selector which probably says 
"Automatic". Click on the selector and select "Hierarchical".

4) The stylist should now show all of the paragraph styles in a 
hierarchical format. The root style is called "Default". If you change 
the font size there, it will affect any paragraph style that inherits the 
font size from the default. Some paragraph types, e.g. "Heading", contain 
their own font size setting, so they won't be affected by changing the 

Kenneth Herron  Kherron@newsguy.com     916-366-7338