[vox] OT: request for a Mac user

Ken Bloom vox@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 23 May 2003 01:05:39 -0700

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On 2003.05.22 23:17, Henry House wrote:
> A while back, LUGOD salvaged an old Mac clone for use as a demo
> machine. I
> apparently need a bootable floppy with MacOS 8.1 (or later) in order
> to
> install Linux on it. An image of such a floppy is aledgedly available
> at
> <ftp://ftp.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/US/Ma=
> but the FTP site is unresponsive. Anyway, the file is an image in
> Apple's
> proprietary format, which requires Apple Disk Copy for MacOS to write
> to a
> floppy. So I am asking some kind Mac user to make me a floppy of the
> above
> image, or equivalent bootable floppy. Must me Mac OS 8.1 or later!
> Please
> mail me off-list if you can help.


Here's the new URL. Use macunpack from the macutils package,
to unmacbinarieze the file, and then you should be able to
just dd the resulting .img file onto the floppy. I've done
something similar to create a Macintosh CD before from Linux,
but I haven't tried your exact scenario before.

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