[vox] Micheal's Minutes: Microsoft and Apple Sell Out Music Fans
R. Douglas Barbieri
Thu, 1 May 2003 09:15:10 -0700
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=46rom http://www.lindows.com/lindows_michaelsminutes.php:
> ...
> Microsoft is at it again though, trying to use their money and
> dominance in the OS to get a foothold in music by selling out
> consumers. Recently, news.com reported that Microsoft is cozzying up
> to the leading CD restriction company. This means we're one baby step
> away from all music CDs ONLY playing on Microsoft Windows XP. Imagine
> having to buy a copy of Microsoft Windows XP for every music device
> just so you can listen to your own music, and even then being
> restricted from making a compilation CD for your car!
> ...
> ...
> Apple has understandably succumbed to pressure from the music labels
> to bolster their chances of securing music licenses for their iTunes
> music service by trampling music buyers rights. The 2.4% of the world
> which use Macs will find out that all the music in their newly
> announced service is wrapped in a digital padlock. This gives Apple
> (or the record labels) the ability to control what a buyer can do with
> the music they purchase.=20
> ...
R. Douglas Barbieri
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