[vox] Need help hosting Sean Perry's talk...
R. Douglas Barbieri
Fri, 28 Mar 2003 15:40:57 -0800
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Hey all,
I've just finished encoding the Sean Perry talk on Debian packages
(12/03/2002). I've successfully built a DVD+RW which plays in my Toshiba
3109 DVD player. I also have a Divx :-) encoding of the talk as well.
Okay, so here's the part where I need help. I'm afraid to post the Divx
:-) version on my colo box as I need to keep under a certain bandwidth.
I also have Divx version of the Bill Alexander talk (09/16/2002) and the
Jon 'Maddog' Hall talk from August 2002 as well. Anyone out there have
bandwidth to spare?
In the meantime, Bill Kendrick suggested to me that we make the talks,
in Divx :-) available on plain-ole cd-rom, obtainable from the Lugod
library. Perhaps we can even accept donations for said disks. Pete
Salzman had an idea where we could offer these cd-roms made-to-order
=66rom the Lugod site, for a donation of course.=20
I would be interested the challenge of setting up an ordering system.
It's something I need to grock anyway.
Thoughts? Comments?
R. Douglas Barbieri
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