[vox] directories - too much of a good thing?

Katie vox@lists.lugod.org
Sat, 22 Mar 2003 21:39:28 -0800 (PST)

--- Peter Jay Salzman <p@dirac.org> wrote:
> begin Katie <krwright1@yahoo.com> 
> > Even locate won't
> > work because I can't remember what names I used for the older school
> > programs or what project number they were in.
> this is where anal debian-style naming conventions can help.   :)

Such as?
> > How do you break up this directory so it's organized but you can still
> > find stuff?
> i tend not to keep old homework.  if i ever have to look back and see
> how i did something in an old homework, i'd consider that a personal
> failure.   when i learn something, i try to learn it for good.

It's not necessarily that I don't remember what I learned as that I want
to reuse the code rather than writing it all out again.  So I'm not a
failure, I'm just lazy. :-)
> that directory is a bit out of control.   but you'll notice i don't use
> names like "ECS40/prog2.c".   names like that don't mean anything to me.
> if i DID take a programming class, and i thought i did a really good job
> with, say, a binary tree.  i'd probably make a new directory
> /home/p/myprog/programming/binarytree and throw the program in there.

What a great idea!  I'm going to go change all p1, p2,... to what they
actually do right now.

Thanks a bunch


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