[vox] CD burn request for Saturday's demo

Peter Jay Salzman vox@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 14 Mar 2003 10:06:59 -0800

begin Robert G. Scofield <rscofield@afes.com> 
> On Friday 14 March 2003 01:32 am, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> > 
> > If you _can_ burn stuff, let me know when/where to pick them up.
> > (Or, just bring them to the Davis Food Co-Op during the demo on Saturday;
> > 3pm-6pm at the Demo Kitchen)
> I have a question.  When these Open Office CD's are handed out, are people 
> given instructions on how to install?  Here's why I ask.
> I got my Open Office CD from some mail order place, and the CD has no install 
> instructions.  So I had to pull out my old Star Office 5.1 instructions.  
> There are about three different types of installations.  The best, if you 
> have more than one account on your machine, is the "network" install followed 
> up by the "user" install.  This gives a couple of megs of stuff for each user 
> who then accesses a central program.  This requires adding some type of 
> switch to the ./setup command.
> I think I got my Star Office 5.1 instructions from my old Star Office CD.  So 
> where are people getting their install instructions?

from debian packaging:

p@satan% cd /usr/share/doc/openoffice.org
p@satan% ls
changelog.Debian.gz  README.Debian.gz  README.html      TODO
copyright            README.gz         README.japanese

but i didn't need instructions at all.   if you install via rpm or deb,
i think it's all taken care for you.  no wierd /net options to use.


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win. -- Gandhi, being prophetic about Linux.

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