[vox] My Gimp talk handout online

Micah J. Cowan vox@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 12 Jun 2003 10:46:29 -0700

On Thu, Jun 12, 2003 at 01:13:42AM -0700, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> For those interested... The handout I passed out for my Gimp talk at SacLUG
> tonight ("The Gimp Cheat Sheet") is online (in PDF format):
>   http://www.lugod.org/presentations/gimp-saclug.pdf
> I hope noone minds me archiving it on LUGOD's website. ;^)

I was hoping you'd do something like that: have a feeling we'll lose
ours. Sara was really excited about trying out all the new stuff she
learned (she's never really played around with layers and other
things). She does a lot of amazing things with Gimp, but she mainly
uses the paintbrush and smudge tools almost exclusively!

For my part, there was maybe one or two things I learned that I had
never known before, and about five or six things that I think I knew
once, long ago, but had since forgotten. The "painted selection" stuff
is *extremely* convenient--I have no idea how I forgot about that. And
the view-move cross to the bottom-left of the view window.

What I'd *really* love, though, is if someone did some talks on
Script-Fu and writing C modules for GIMP. I know I can research all
this online, but I won't have time anytime soon.
